Thursday, 23 April 2009

Lanacashire and Cheshire...

Hello everybody...I am currently in Tamworth near Birmingham staying with Mac and Lynn and just had a lovely jacket potato with salad! I have been playing in the North West for the last few days...firstly in Preston and then in peover Golf Club in Cheshire. they were both exellent courses however I feel suited more to someone that knows the course. A lot of the tee shots had dog legs and it wasn't until one reached their ball that I new where I was going! A little frustrating when they pay so much deatil to signs saying "please be careful when crossing bridge?" I think that order is fairly self explanatory however not knowing where to hit your ball is slightly more important! I played both days on my own which if I'm honest is getting a little tiring...It is hard to motivate yourself when its just me so I am gratful to Mac who is going to play with me tomorrow and then Gus and Moggy are going to join me for Shropshire and Herefordshire which is good. They are both old college chums so will be good to have their company!

I want to say a massive thanks to Kim Pugh who is the Marketing Assistant for English Lakes Hotels...she has put me up for 3 nights in two of ELH's hotels...she has been great and supportive which was a great pleasure when otyher than her I didn't know anybody from the Lake District! So thanks Kim. Also one more thing about Kim is that she has also lost two people to Leukaemia quite recently and some of her friends are cycling from Trafalgar Square in London to Kendal..where I believe the mint cake is from?... to raise money. I don't know the exact details but when I do I will post them on here. I would love to join them in cycling but I think they leave before the end of my golf tour so I wish them all the luck in the world for that!

The weather has still been very was sunny with cloudy patches but I'm fully aware that there are still 9 days of golf left so enough time to get the waterproofs out again!

I will now post some more photos...

I'm not sure where I am staying tomorrow night as i am playing in Shorpshire on saturday...I think the nature of my trip requires that I spend at least one night in my car!!! so it might be a crazy night in for Wilber on friday night!!!

Hope you like the pics!


1 comment:

  1. Golf is indeed a very challenging sport and it is a process of overcomeing ourselves and challenging oppents during the play.Golf Courses
