Sunday, 12 April 2009

Wet wet wet and cold cold Cold Ashby...

Hi everyone...

I woke up this morning aftter having some ferocious dreams about war and general nastiness and looked out the window and I saw that the day I had been waiting with baited breath for had finally come...rain rain and more rain!!! The wind was blowing as well however I was aware that My sister lives on top of a hill so this might account for the extra wind!!!

I got up, put some trousers and I thought about leavin' the house...(sorry couldn't resist getting some britpop lyrics in here somewhere!) I had some breakfast and hung the mountains of washing I had done out to dry. whilst doing these fun chores quickly checking every so often outside to see if the rain had hadn't so I put another pair of trousers (waterproofs) over the first pair and jumped in the car for the 9 minute car journey to Cold Ashby Golf Club.

On arrival I was greeted in the pro shop by a fairly grumpy guy that wasn't in the faintest bit interested in what I was doing however he checked me in and I was on my way on day 16!!!

Cold ashby is one of the types of golf courses that actually has 27 for you lay people out there one doesn't play all of these...and i was put on holes 19 to 27 for the first 9 holes and 1 to 9 for the second nine. By the time I started the rain was really coming down and I had full waterproofs on for the first time on the tour! It was refreshing to start with however my glove soon got wet and so did my waterproofs were begging for mercy after the round!!!

The first thing that struck me about the course is how hilly it was...It really was the hardest walk of the tour so hard that at one point I felt lilke I had time travelled back to when I was 13 doing D of E (Duke of Edinburgh) on Dartmoor!!! I have taken a video which I will pop on here soon...I'm not sure if the video will do the hill justice but it was quite a walk I can tell you...the only savig grace I felt was that it was easier to climb the hill knowing that I had my waiting for me on the other side!

The conditions were genrally pretty rotten and the course looked like it had been beaten somewhat in the winter so I don't feel like I met this golf course on top form however I did enjoy it nonetheless...I shot 88 and that is using....wait for it Matt...yes a 3 wood...I thought this club has been sat in my bag for years and I've never had the kahoonas to use it so I gave it a whirl...and believe it or not it didn't go too badly! Having said that if I shot 120 then you would probably be seeing that particular flying past your window anytime now!!!

After the Golf I had a beer and a sandwich in the clubhouse and after discussing the finer points of the inside of a golf ball with some of the members I was on my way. I probably won't think back to this leg of the tour to fondly due to the weather, however it was a good test of golf and I did enjoy it.

Tomorrow I am excited about as I have my brother joining me and some of his friends so should be great fun...I just hope the weather improves...

Lot of Love


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